Cyber goes afk, Deathbringer down!

Lady Deathwhisper is still alive but ... oh hey, look two holy paladins and a dead Deathbringer Saurfang.

BAM! 7/12

Figured I should probably post, but I couldn't find any suitable screenshots to go with it D;

The last couple of weeks of raiding have been great. Picked up a few pro healers and rolled Lich King on a Tuesday. Jumped back in this week and knocked out all the easy hard mode bosses.

For the first time in a long time, we're sitting in a good place with our roster and I am pretty excited for things to come.

PDub on three!

And then there were 25.

One attempt then a kill. Smooth as hell. It'll be good to finally start on hard modes!

Whew, PWA Statue Is Now Legit

Over thinking phase three is bad. Fuck it, big numbers.

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